2/27/2008 |
Wide-ranging interview with UC-Berkeley linguistics prof George Lakoff.
12/31/2007 |
The last podcast of the year, for sure, it's a tutorial on the meaning of the at-sign in Twitter for Dave Sifry. Maybe I got it wrong? If so, post a comment here.
8/18/2007 |
1/2 hour podcast on open identity systems in 2007.
6/27/2007 |
TwitterGram.com is booting up nicely. Looking for help in three areas: 1. A phone interface. 2. Flash recorder for the web app. 3. Business partners to work with as the service grows.
5/23/2007 |
Audio of today's interview with Stephen Evans of BBC World News World Service.
5/7/2007 |
An audio podcast of the Let's Design a Podcast Player session at Mix 07 in Las Vegas.
2/22/2007 |
Podcast of my talk at the Public Media conf, 2/21/07.
2/17/2007 |
Podcast: What I hope to talk about at the Public Media conference next week in Boston.
12/6/2006 |
MCN tutorial on Vendor Relationship Management, a concept pioneered by Doc Searls. (With a little Bush politics at no extra charge.)
12/4/2006 |
Last night's podcast with Jason Calacanis, Peter Rojas and myself, discussing the new podcast platform we're contemplating.
11/26/2006 |
How to Make Money on the Internet, the podcast.
11/24/2006 |
Podcast interview with Cecile Andrews about her new book.
11/11/2006 |
A new podcast. I've been flashing on all kinds of things after Tuesday's election. We've never had so much power. We sure didn't get fooled again. A branch of government switched parties, and all of a sudden we got our democracy back. So what's next?
8/6/2006 |
A Morning Coffee Notes podcast with Doc Searls, Mike Kowalchik, Jason Calacanis, Steve Gillmor. It contains breaking news about a new career move by Doc Searls. And an ad for Digg by Jason Calacanis. Steve is a tinny voice on the Blackberry and he takes a few cheap shots at Scoble. "At this point I smell a lawsuit," says Calacanis.
6/7/2006 |
New podcast. Dan Gillmor and I participated in a moderated discussion about the future of blogging in San Diego. I think it came out pretty well. Esther Dyson asks a pointed question, Om Malik gets a plug, Dan Farber sums it up.
4/28/2006 |
The Monthly Coffee Notes podcast, inspired by the latest Gillmor Gang, about advertising on the Internet, Channel Dean and how to win the Presidency on the Internet. The sound quality is perfectly awful, but what else is new.
3/1/2006 |
OPML 2.0 is easy to understand if you're intelligent, have common sense and are patient. It's really simple. I explain, in this podcast, why the improvements in OPML 2.0 will help users.
2/1/2006 |
Today's podcast is about WordPress, Google and the OPML community. It's especially important for the leaders of the OPML community to listen to this podcast, because I want to explore ways for the support system to grow. I think we just had a very good experience and I want to build on it.
1/31/2006 |
I just recorded a segment for Chris Lydon's show with my state of the union speech, above, and also recorded it as an MP3, so here it is the second Morning Coffee Notes of 2006. 
1/2/2006 |
Morning Coffee Notes interview with John Palfrey, founder of toptensources.com, and director of Berkman Center.
12/16/2005 |
A Morning Coffee Notes podcast with thoughts about the scene in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast.
12/13/2005 |
On the flight from Atlanta to New Orleans I did a 50-minute podcast with Janet, a woman who lost her house and all her posessions in the Lakeview section of New Orleans. It might be the best MCN so far.
12/12/2005 |
A test podcast done on the Archos prior to my New Orleans trip, while listening to Larry King on CNN talking about the death penalty in California. Later tonight Tookie Williams is scheduled to be executed.
11/19/2005 |
Today's podcast is about advertising and TechCrunch; and a lightweight approach to author identity and OPML.
11/15/2005 |
A podcast to commemorate the second OPML Community Server which came online. And don't forget that people have to use the wacky DRM scheme you come up with. Real people, just like you or your mom, or the guy down the street.
11/14/2005 |
A new Morning Coffee Notes for your listening pleasure.
11/9/2005 |
Podcast: A tour of my new Mac and other hardware and an ode to Steve Gillmor, a warm and wonderful human being.
11/1/2005 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast explains what Microsoft and/or Yahoo could do to change the game on Google.
10/30/2005 |
What if Scooter Libby were a guest on Law & Order?
10/27/2005 |
Every Thursday morning a group of between 20 and 50 Berkeley nerds gets together for breakfast at Saul's. It's open to everyone, so if you're in the area please come. Today I brought my Archos and recorded a bunch of conversations. It's an hour-long podcast.
10/24/2005 |
Last night's dinner in Berkeley was a ton of fun. I brought my Archos and recorded a one-hour podcast with lots of interesting people including Don Hopkins, Sylvia Paull, Steve Gillmor, Scott Rosenberg, Niall Kennedy, and lots of guests coming in and out, telling jokes, stories and clues.
10/13/2005 |
NerdTV interview with yours truly.
9/30/2005 |
The story of the TechCrunch Directory box on Scripting News, the OPML behind it, Robert Scoble, Niall Kennedy, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Arrington. "Users and developers party together."
9/6/2005 |
A Morning Coffee Notes podcast begins with a song, and then gets around to a rambling discussion of New Orleans and what has changed not just for the people of the Crescent City, but for all of us.
8/24/2005 |
Today's podcast is a story about Google and News.Com and Mexican kids who might make Eric Schmidt crack a smile, maybe even laugh! 
8/14/2005 |
After a phone talk with Scoble, and a walk in the sun along a creek here in Park City, the result was a podcast for Microsoft. You can listen even if you don't work there. 
7/30/2005 |
A long-overdue road coffee notes, from NY 28 in the Catskills, featuring Wolfman Jack and lots of fresh ideas. Uploaded from the parking lot of the Holiday Inn in Oneonta, NY. (Free wifi!)
7/26/2005 |
Today's podcast after a long drive, back in the USA, with ideas about next steps with the OPML Editor.
7/25/2005 |
A brief podcast to celebrate the public ship of the OPML Editor.
7/5/2005 |
A coffee notes from the road, outside Richmond, VA. About the sorry state of Internet access for the traveler in 2005.
7/2/2005 |
Today's MCN is about Audible, DRM, Apple, podcasting.
7/1/2005 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast is about the process of creating format standards, the story of Microsoft and RSS 2.0.
6/23/2005 |
A Seattle burnout podcast after days of heavy programming on the OPML Editor blogging tool.
6/15/2005 |
A hugely dramatic thunderstorm godcast, with an update on progress with the OPML editor, and a roadmap through next week. Only 11 minutes.
6/11/2005 |
I was driving from the beach to Gainesville, and got into an argument with the voice navigation system in my brand new Toyota minivan. Hey it's a driving podcast. Been a while since I did one of those. It's fun. 
6/5/2005 |
A Sunday Morning Coffee Notes about Jobsian reality distortion fields, AutoLink (again, sorry), Feedburner, progress report on my outliner, and when quality really matters.
6/3/2005 |
Brief podcast commenting on the News.com story, speculating that Apple will dump IBM in favor of Intel hardware on Monday at the WWDC.
5/30/2005 |
A breakfast podcast with Betsy Devine in Cambridge, we sing, and she enjoys being Mr Jennifer Lopez.
5/27/2005 |
A get-out-of-town pre-Memorial Day travel-itch rambling Coffee Notes podcast. Music, massage, happiness, BloggerCon, Grateful Dead, Bruce Springsteen, and a way of decentralizing the podcast community to find the good stuff.
5/26/2005 |
A 17-minute podcast with the missing bits on Trade Secrets and Adam Curry. We started a technology, business and artisitic partnership in public, and never explained why it fell apart. This is my side of the story.
5/25/2005 |
This week's developments in podcasting by Apple, turning iTunes into a podcatcher, is enough for an entire 17-minute Morning Coffee Notes.
5/21/2005 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast is about my outliner, Windows, why flames aren't such a problem, word processing, editing in the browser, how to do format and protocol work.
5/20/2005 |
There was a honkin thunderstorm brewing off the coast, and even though I was late for dinner, you know I had to do a podcast.
5/19/2005 |
A podcast from the beach with thoughts on what makes a good platform, an intellectual life for Silicon Valley, beach philosophy; a picture and a movie where today's cast was empodded.
5/17/2005 |
A late afternoon Morning Coffee Notes podcast (better late than never) about advertising in RSS, a vignette about the twisty world of 21st century radio, and an apology for the delay of the conversation-starters.
5/15/2005 |
Here's the Morning Coffee Notes podcast for May 15, the one that will be broadcast on KYOU at midnight and again at noon tomorrow. It's 46 minutes long, and it's a rambler, but I think it's a pretty good podcasting manifesto, as applied to the Bay Area and the mission of KYOU. I feel pretty good about this podcast. I was nervous, and it took me five tries to get started, which is very unusual for me.
5/14/2005 |
On today's podcast I ponder the possibilities for tomorrow's broadcast podcast for KYOU-AM in San Francisco. More singing this time with the MIDI of Dixie. You'll have to wade through it to get to the talk. Also includes philosophy from Ed Cone and Rogers Cadenhead.
5/13/2005 |
A brief response to Chris Lydon's pilot for his Open Source radio program on Public Radio International.
5/12/2005 |
The podcast of today's talk in Pisa, Italy; unconferences, blogging, RSS, podcasting, making money on the Internet, and an end to monoculture. This is probably the podcast I'll give to KYOU for their inaugural broadcast, and it's the speech I would have given at the Syndicate conference. It's a pretty good explanation of the ideas that are making a difference in the blog, pod, syndo-spheres. Web services are in there too, but aren't really part of the user story. If you want to understand where I think we're going, please listen to this cast. It's only 25 minutes, and it's packed with ideas.
5/10/2005 |
Today's podcast includes lots of singing, one idea, not much more. A Windows reboot. A bunch of philosophy. Thirty minutes. Amazing.
5/9/2005 |
A podcast about the difference between broadcasting and podcasting, and a request for ideas about the first podcasts that will be broadcast.
5/7/2005 |
Today's podcast discussion at a Nashville restaurant with Hoder and Brendan Greeley about podcasting, context, making money, including a run-in with a Channel 2 camera crew. An interesting discussion.
5/2/2005 |
A birthday breakfast podcast in Queens with my parents. We talk about idea processors, Macs, eBay, buying and selling online.
4/30/2005 |
This evening's podcast is 17 minutes of a tropical thunderstorm over the Atlantic Ocean. The piece I referred to but didn't explain was Monoculture, it asked if it's a 20th century artifact. (I think it is.) And the Raymond Poort clip from the Daily Source Code is archived here.
4/28/2005 |
A Morning Coffee Notes podcast done on the Archos on the beach, while tanning. Only ten minutes, but packed with stuff about weblogs.com, KYOU and podcasting for love.
4/26/2005 |
A new Morning Coffee Notes podcast on idea processing software and how it relates to production software. Just some of the thinking behind the OPML editor that I'm working on.
4/23/2005 |
Starbucks coffee notes with Phil Torronne and Beth Goza in Kirkland, WA.
4/16/2005 |
Today's podcast is Part II of answers to Shel Israel's questions for the book he's working on with Robert Scoble. Also a bit of music from USA for Africa (1985). One of my neighbors is sitting outside my window, so I felt self-conscious. No matter, I speak my mind anyway. ;->
4/15/2005 |
I did a podcast over Skype a couple of nights ago with Kosso and we used SkypeOut to call Scoble, which worked really well. It's pretty long and rambly, and goofy and techy. It's podcast number two with Kosso, the pod-bad-man, with a new brand for every day of the month. The brand du jour is Trade Sushi. It's like Trade Secrets, but with Sushi. ;->"
4/14/2005 |
A Morning Coffee Notes podcast for the day before Tax Day in the USA. A virtual interview with Shel Israel, co-author of The Red Couch with Robert Scoble.
4/13/2005 |
A singing podcast, my rendition of It's A Small World. As usual, appreciate it for its philosophy. ;->
4/3/2005 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes is an interview with Florida neighbor and author Jerry Vass, marketing/sales guru, future blogger and podcaster.
4/1/2005 |
Yet another New York coffee notes podcast, this one with Kosso, live from the bar in the Millenium UN Plaza Hotel. Tools for creating podcast feeds in Flash, and lots of other random stuff. Goofy and technical.
3/31/2005 |
Starbucks coffee notes podcast, actually done in the morning, featuring the authors of Micro Persuasion, Hacking Netflix, Orbit Cast and Scripting News. Random stuff, kind of memorable, New York blogging, public relations, gnoing to Gnomedex, OPML.
3/29/2005 |
This morning I did an interview with my father, Leon Winer, about outlining and other topics. It's the podcast for the day, probably the last of March 2005.
3/21/2005 |
A new Morning Coffee Notes about ocean swimming, podcasting as art, Terry Shiavo, my software project, and of course, philosophy.
3/3/2005 |
An interesting thread on the podcasters list made me want to sing a song, yielding the first-ever all-musical Morning Coffee Notes.
3/1/2005 |
Holy Hanna -- it's podcast #2 for the day, in which I sum up the NHPR show, and briefly talk about my conversation today with Marissa Mayer at Google. It was kind of a no op, we totally don't see eye to eye, they're clearly going to go ahead with the adware feature, and unless a lot of other people make it an issue, there's nothing we can do about it. I have some ideas about creating a safe environment that's not print, one where ideas can make it through from one end to the other without being messed with, I'm exploring those ideas privately with technology vendors who can help. Anyway, the purpose of this brief podcast is to bring a small amount of closure to this discussion. Google owns the Web now, at least until Yahoo and Microsoft fight them for it. Bad day.
3/1/2005 |
Today I was on New Hampshire Public Radio with Laura Knoy and Dan Gillmor, talking about blogs. It was a one hour call-in show and it was a lot of fun. The callers all had interesting stories to tell about their weblogs. It made blogs seem nice and interesting, like New Hampshire. 
2/28/2005 |
A short podcast. The Morning Coffee Notes feed moves. And some brief comments on the situation with Google's new Toolbar.
2/19/2005 |
I was the guest on the WGBH Morning Stories podcast this week. I can't believe they played the Dean Scream. Twice. Arrrrgh! (But they did a great job, and in this one piece, the scream actually fit.)
2/18/2005 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes was recorded in the pre-dawn hours in Atlanta. Lots of stuff about Google and Smart Tags.
2/11/2005 |
Steve Gillmor wrote last night to ask why the Greensboro meetup podcast wasn't in my RSS feed yesterday. It's a long and not a very interesting story. As a make-up, it's in today's feed. Sorry for the omission, thanks for keeping me on my toes Steve! 
2/4/2005 |
A driving coffee notes podcast with music, toll booths, and feeling!
1/27/2005 |
Full MP3 of yesterday's interview at WGBH with Tony Kahn. Sorry the ID3 information hasn't been entered, there's a problem with iTunes, and I'm doing this from a Starbuck's. It's reasonably good stuff, probably not that new for Scripting News readers, but the quality is unprecedented. It was done in a sound studio at the radio station.
1/22/2005 |
The official song of the BlogJoCredCon as sung by yours truly, DW.
1/15/2005 |
A very brief interview with Trippi about the Kos controversy. The audio was really sucky, I couldn't find my good microphone, Trippi was on headset. We're going to do another podcast, with better audio (knock wood), next week when we'll both be in Boston for the Harvard conference on blogging, journalism and credibility.
1/13/2005 |
I found a McDonald's in North Carolina off I-95 that has wifi. I recorded a second podcast for the day. Really feeling the magic pull of the north-eastern vector. Great weather, great vibe. Can't wait to get to DC! The Wayport user interface totally sucks. There's no way to buy more than two hours at a single location. So I bought two hours then used that connection to sign up for a month at $50. Once past their poor design, the service is quite fast. I'm lovin it.™
1/13/2005 |
Today's podcast is in preparation for next week's Harvard conference on blogging, journalism and credibility, I discuss integrity in the media, at much greater length than I will get a chance to at the conference.
1/9/2005 |
Andy Affleck interviewed me on the origins of podcasting.
1/8/2005 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast is an ode to art.
1/3/2005 |
A Morning Coffee Notes recorded this morning on Inkerstate 95 and uploaded from Miami Beach. Adam and I arrived at the hotel within 5 minutes of each other. He came from London, I came from Seattle.
1/1/2005 |
A new on-the-road Morning Coffee Notes, recorded early this morning on I-10 in the Florida panhandle. Lots of random topics, with lots more on the continuing identity discussion, including three rules for successful format and protocol work. (There are more rules coming soon.)
12/31/2004 |
Surely the last podcast of the year, in which I assert to A Curry (and anyone else who cares) that I am an addict of The Daily Source Code, and only want the program notes to show up in my aggregator after I've listened to the podcast. Maybe as much as 24 hours after. That and some philosophy, as usual, about random things that occur to me while driving on US Highway 45 in Mississippi and Alabama, USA.
12/30/2004 |
Today's on-the-road podcast, with more wrong things with the iPod, Tony Kahn's query, a tech design problem, and a killer idea for the iPod.
12/28/2004 |
Postscript: Uninstalling Replay Radio did the trick. I did a ten minute audio test and it worked. No breaks. If you're interested in escort services in Amarillo, this is a must-listen!
12/25/2004 |
If you have your own great moments in podcasting, prepare a sound clip, upload it, post a description and send me a pointer. Let's get some flow for the really interesting or awkward moments in podcasting in 2004. Here's a brief podcast from the DNC with Rebecca Blood, myself, General John Shallikashvilli and a roaring convention crowd. It was quite a moment. I think god was casting that day too, or maybe it was the spirit of Hubert Humphrey.
12/23/2004 |
Major pilot error in today's podcast. I had to hit pause when I accidentally entered the town of Tonopah about 80 miles sooner than I thought. Then when I resumed my travels, I hit Resume, or so I thought. But all you hear is me breathing. No talk, no music. What did you miss? A redneck Bush voter tailgaiting me. A description of the new software I'm going to work on. I guess that'll have to wait. I left my coffee on the roof of the car. Not at all sure how I fucked up so bad! Wow. I need a producer. Seriously. Or a big red button. Yeah. More coffee? That too. 
12/21/2004 |
WGBH report on Adam Curry and podcasting.
12/19/2004 |
I'm on the road again and lovin it. Ideas flowing, there's a new Travelin Dave Morning Coffee Notes podcast for your listening pleasure.
12/15/2004 |
Thanks to antibiotics and sleep, my voice is making a strong recovery.
12/14/2004 |
I'm at Berkman talking about podcasting, and we did a demo, singing Kenny Rogers' famous tune The Gambler.
12/8/2004 |
Waiting for Adam to call, I drifted into the story of Dave Jacobs and his Die-Young Disease and how this week he got his reprieve.
12/8/2004 |
Adam discovered that his phone can record conversations to MP3. 
12/7/2004 |
A very short Morning Coffee Notes to illustrate how sick my voice is, and my mind. I suppose I should put some kind of warning on this. Not suitable for minds over a certain age. 
12/5/2004 |
This being the audio Christmas, I recorded one of my favorite short stories as a child, The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry. It's a story about love and sacrifice, it's a funny story, but a simple one that children can understand. If you have a child nearby, let me tell them a story, along with you.
12/1/2004 |
Today's podcast is pitiful. My poor voice. Laryngitis hits Uncle Bumba. The subject of the cast is "Users and developers party together."
11/29/2004 |
Kottke has audio of the end of Jeopardy uber-champion Ken Jennings' amazing run, on tomorrow night's show. "Too bad for Ken," says host Alex Trebek. Heh. $2.5 million.
11/27/2004 |
When my plane landed in Seattle, I called the Dawn & Drew comment line. I had just listened to three D&D shows, and had the number, and just had to get in on the fun!
11/26/2004 |
Nicco broke a tooth at our lunch today. But that wasn't the end of the story. Here's the voicemail he left this afternoon. He said he wants to do podcasts. Hey he just did one. 
11/15/2004 |
The opening session of BloggerCon III, where we sing the National Anthem (not the obvious one) and get warmed up for a day of discussions.
11/11/2004 |
Jay Rosen led the Academia discussion at BloggerCon III.
11/11/2004 |
Rebecca MacKinnon led the Newbies discussion at BloggerCon III.
11/10/2004 |
Herb Weisbaum on where to shop for consumer electronics.
11/9/2004 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast, recorded on Interstate 5, south of Eugene. What to do with the leadership vacuum in the Democratic Party, what we can learn from people who voted for Bush, and now the truth can be told about how we really feel about Kerry and why it might not be such a bad thing if he isn't the President for the next four years.
11/9/2004 |
The audio from the Podcasting session at BloggerCon III is ready to download. All fourteen sessions will be available.
11/7/2004 |
We recorded a Trade Secrets in Adam's room at Rickey's Hyatt. Midway through the recording Steve Gillmor showed up and joined in.
11/3/2004 |
An Interstate-5 Morning Coffee Notes podcast. Kerry lost. What Dems can take away from the loss. 2008. Topics for discussion at BloggerCon.
11/1/2004 |
Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast, wherein I ramble and sniffle and rasp (still getting over my cold) but explain how being a blogger could possibly make you rich in the next few years. Worth listening to? Depends if you want to make money on the Internet. This is the podcast Marc Canter might do in about four years, if he stays on the path he's on. 
11/1/2004 |
The missing Gillmor Gang from Steve Gillmor. Exclusive!
11/1/2004 |
My interview with Doug Kaye is online.
10/31/2004 |
MP3 of the Australian podcast documentary.
10/28/2004 |
A new Trade Secrets podcast.
10/26/2004 |
Got an email tonight from a Republican reader noting that I hadn't had much to say about the election in the last 24 hours. Okay, let's fix that. Remember when Bush and his spin-meisters were nailing Kerry and his team for not showing enough respect for the puppet government of Allawi in Iraq? Well, from the department of biting the hand that's up your butt, Allawi today blamed the Bush administration for failing to protect the fifty Iraqi soldiers who were massacred a couple of days ago. Now, Dubya, do you mind if we join you in wondering if Iraq is worth the grief?
10/26/2004 |
Marc Nozell sent an audio message confirming that MS is using a descendent of a DEC voice syntheizer on its voicemail system.
10/26/2004 |
FutureTense: "Researchers with the National Cybersecurity Alliance and America Online have found most consumers perceive themselves to be safe online, even when they have no firewall protection, outdated antivirus software and dozens of spyware and adware programs secretly running on their computers.
10/25/2004 |
I'm doing some work on audio.weblogs.com this morning. This post has an enclosure attached, which you can see in the RSS feed.
10/24/2004 |
Since arriving in Seattle I've wanted to do a podcast with Scoble. Today, before World Series game 2, we recorded a one hour six minute show.
10/23/2004 |
When I signed on to the group phone call for The Gillmor Gang yesterday, Steve said they had three special surprise guests, members of The Firesign Theater. They were my high school heroes, but that was a long time ago, a really long time ago. Had the Firesign guys kept up? Well, apparently so. It took a few minutes to get going, they talked about underground radio in NY and LA in the 60s, Adam and I talked about podcasting today. Then we all joined in a chorus of The Good Days Are Back Again, with a refrain of For Now, For Now, For Now, For Now. I haven't listened to this show myself, yet, but I bet it's pretty good.
10/21/2004 |
Today's audio blog post about music, baseball, music, downtown freeways, Steve Wozniak, indie music and the Grateful Dead.
10/19/2004 |
Announcing: Audio.Weblogs.Com. It shows the newest podcasts, in reverse chronologic order, the same way weblogs.com shows the most recently updated weblogs. Now you can sample the work of the podcast community before installing an iPodder app. Podcasters, you can ping via XML-RPC, the same way you ping weblogs.com (all the major weblog apps are compatible) or through a Web form. There's even an RSS feed that contains the most recent 100 podcasts, and if your desktop aggregator is enclosure-aware, you'll even get all the podcasts (but watch out it can add up to quite a bit of disk space).
10/19/2004 |
We're getting a new kind of fan mail these days, and it's most welcome. It's great to hear the voices of people who like our work!
10/18/2004 |
Audio blog post with a sneak preview of a new site. 
10/18/2004 |
David Czarnecki announces a new podcasting plug-in for Blojsom. Bing!
10/17/2004 |
This is a test. For the next sixty seconds this station will conduct a test of the Emergency Podcast System.
10/17/2004 |
I got another test blog post. An audio test blog post. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
10/16/2004 |
Today's audio blog post on audio pings and Jon Stewart.
10/9/2004 |
Adam was recording a Daily Source Code, caught in traffic, a horn honks, he rolls down the window, it's Raymond and he's got an iPod and he's listening to the Daily Source Code. It's quite a moment.
10/9/2004 |
Adam Curry was interviewed today by Leo Laporte on KFI in LA.
10/7/2004 |
Tenth anniversary Morning Coffee Notes. A new innovation, a ratio that tells how hated a tech leader is, and suggests how both Google and Microsoft can be as loved as Apple; and George Bush's equivalent of "it depends on what is is, means." Maybe we can start to value integrity in our political leaders? We'll find out on November 2.
10/7/2004 |
Tod Maffin's CBC report on Podcasting.
10/7/2004 |
Yesterday I did a MCN but there was a glitch. The beginning was quite good, so I thought, so here it is. Dedicated to Bruce Springsteen, Huey Lewis and Jonathan Schwartz. It ends quite abruptly. Sorry!
10/5/2004 |
Pre-vice-presidential debate audio blog post. 42 minutes.
9/28/2004 |
An audio blog post about the Bloglines API, the commons, fair compensation for centralized services, what's not fair.
9/27/2004 |
I was interviewed today by a reporter on Yahoo's efforts in RSS. I gave them a pretty negative review. I didn't want to be misunderstood, so I did an audio recording of what I said to the reporter, so you can get an idea of the thinking behind the soundbites that may be in the news article.
9/16/2004 |
And here's the initial Trade Secrets show. And away we go!
9/13/2004 |
A brief audio blog post in response to Adam's Daily Source Code.
9/11/2004 |
Morning Coffee Notes for 9/11/04, on driving in Seattle, and US politics.
9/5/2004 |
Today's audioblogpost features Dire Straits, Doris Day and explains why it's worth it for Microsoft to invest in MSIE, even while they "boil the ocean" with Longhorn. (Also, the name of today's hurricane is Frances.)
9/2/2004 |
Today's audioblogpost features music by Ludwig van Beethoven.
9/1/2004 |
Audio blog post from the Trans-Canada Highway in Saskatchewan. Lots of random bits with very little premeditation. About 45 minutes.
8/15/2004 |
My audio blog post for the day, riffs on Adam and The Gillmor Gangstas. Music. "Sandy, the waitress I've been seeing lost her desire for me."
7/27/2004 |
Audio interview with Minnesota candidate for the House, Patty Wetterling. I did the interview with Natasha Celine of Pacific Views. We're in the Democratic News Service; they are "dedicated to getting great stories for the bloggers."
7/27/2004 |
Second audio interview with Don Means, senior political advisor at Meetup.Com. Again my co-hort is Natasha from Pacific Views.
7/26/2004 |
Today's audio blog post includes an interview with Matt Gross, formerly of Dean For America, and now chief blogger for North Carolina Senate candidate Erskine Bowles.
7/25/2004 |
Today's audio blog post, recorded while traveling from the Westin hotel in Copley Plaza to Fleet Center. Interviews with people along the way. Some very rough audio at the beginning with one quite large silent spot, but some really good stuff I think. Designed to go with the pictures, above.
7/24/2004 |
Today's audio blog post, about developing the Convention Bloggers software, pictures from New Mexico and microphones.
7/22/2004 |
This morning's audio blog post.
7/18/2004 |
A new audio, call it Interstate 25 Diet Coke While Driving Notes.
7/15/2004 |
I found the original Quantum Light Breath tape from 1990, scanned it, and linked it into the Jeru site. \"Existence is waiting for you to flower, waiting for your to dance your dance, to sing your song.\"
7/14/2004 |
Today's audio blog post answers a reporter's questions about RSS. I usually do these verbally over the phone. This time I decided to do it via MP3. It's fairly well-rehearsed by now. On reviewing the recording I realize it begins with two outtakes. Oops. Luckily I didn't use bad language. 
7/13/2004 |
Today's audio blog post is about formats and functionality.
7/12/2004 |
This morning's audio blog post, a summary of the top three items on Scripting News at the time I spoke the post. These items benefit from intonation and more detailed explanation.
7/11/2004 |
Talking with Steve Gillmor this afternoon, he got on my case, again. Where are your audio blog posts, he wanted to know. I said there was a technical glitch, but I think I've solved it. So here's a new audio blog post, thanks to Steve for the motivation.
7/10/2004 |
I started an MP3 audio archive for my teacher, Jeru Kabbal. I started with a scan of a tape called Sunrise of the Soul, one of the Quantum Light Breath tapes. It's truly an amazing process, if you clear a little over an hour, you can have an incredible experience that may stay with you for years. It's great stuff. "Remember today is a new day, a day that has never happened before and will never happen again." Yeah it sounds dorky, but it's true, and it reaches inside, and man, it gets me every time. iPod-compatible, of course. With much love, Dave.
6/20/2004 |
I recorded Bill Clinton on 60 Minutes, audio only, as broadcast on WBZ-AM Boston. Commercials included.
6/14/2004 |
Audio for 1/2 of the Bill Gates keynote at ADAPSO in 1991. I'm on this tape proposing that Apple and Microsoft work together on interapplication communication, which is the pre-Internet precursor to XML-RPC and SOAP. I talked much faster 13 years ago. There's another tape out there somewhere, where Gates says okay, he'll work with Apple, but I don't seem to have it. The rest of the story is here.
6/12/2004 |
Second audio weblog post, in which I talk about dead presidents and their funerals and how many Dead Presidents we have to spend on them. Here's a place to comment on the post.
6/11/2004 |
I did my first audio Morning Coffee Notes this morning.
6/8/2004 |
Howard Rheingold gave a talk at Berkman today. Approx 25MB.
6/8/2004 |
David Weinberger talked about his next book. Approx 25MB.
3/27/2004 |
AKMA had a great idea, a bunch of bloggers each record one chapter of Lessig's new book and put it together into an audio book. It's a rainy day here in Boston, so I did chapter eleven, entitled Chimera.
3/13/2004 |
Andrew Cochran interviewed me at the NextMedia conference at Prince Edward Island in October last year. It's a 22MB MP3 file.
1/9/2004 |
Chris Lydon interviews Tim Berners-Lee.
12/12/2003 |
An MP3 of yesterday's Berkman meeting, thanks to Jake Savin.
10/20/2003 |
Chris Lydon interviews Meetup founder Scott Heiferman.
8/28/2003 |
Chris Lydon interviews Robert Fisk from Beirut. "We went to war based on lies."
8/23/2003 |
Chris Lydon interviews James Gleick on his biography of Sir Isaac Newton. "Almost everything we know about apples and moons in motion and at rest, about time, space, gravity, inertia, differential and integral calculus, occurred to Isaac Newton in his early twenties, working in isolation through the London plague years of 1665 and 1666."
8/22/2003 |
1. Dean's 24-minute talk, in its entirety.
8/22/2003 |
2. Q&A with the candidate.
8/22/2003 |
3. Chris's "open ended sampling" of the crowd.
8/19/2003 |
An experiment with RSS enclosures. If this works, users who subscribe to my feed with an enclosure-aware aggregator will have an MP3 of the interview Chris Lydon did with me last month, with no click-wait.